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Terrorism and SocialMedia Conference (TASM), Swansea University 2024

In June Daniel was one of over 200 delegates from 35 countries representing academia, government, industry, and other related fields who attended the 2024 Terrorism and Social Media Conference at Swansea University. During the conference he gave a presentation entitled, "AI, Propaganda of the Deed, & Misinformation: An Overview and

Implications," which focused on the ways in which Deepfakes and other AI-generated synthetic media can be exploited by violent extremists.

Other excellent presentations included "Understanding Non-Radicalization: The Role of Offline and Online Protective Factors," by Dr. Joe Whittaker and Dr. Yamil Kilmaz,  Ryan Scrivens on examining "The Posting Behavior of Violent and Nonviolent Extremists,"  Michael H. Becker and Darren Fisher on "A Forum for Grievance, Influence, and Mobilization toward Violence: A Thematic Analysis of the Role of Online Forums in the January 6, 2021 Attack" and an insightful keynote from Brian FIshman, formerly of the Countering Terrorism Center at West Point, and Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Cinder


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