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Daniel E. Levenson and Dr. Kevin Blasiak Receive Funding for Proposed Research Project on AI and Terrorism from Swansea University


August 1, 2024


This past June Daniel participated in the Sandpit workshop and competition as part of the Swansea University Terrorism and Social Media Conference (TASM) 2024. During the day-long event participants divided themselves up into different working groups based on areas of interest.


During this day-long workshop Daniel and Dr. Kevin Blasiak worked together to develop a successful research proposal for a project focused on the intersection of terrorism and AI (Artificial Intelligence). By employing a value sensitive approach and utilizing stakeholder theory, their overall goal is to help key players in academia, industry, and government develop greater consensus around ways to mitigate the impact of malicious use of AI by terrorists. Among the many excellent presentations that day their proposal was chosen among all the others to receive funding from Swansea University.


The Sandpit event is just one of the many ways that the TASM conference provides opportunities for individuals working at the intersection of tech and terrorism to expand their professional network and connect with potential collaborators. Successful presentations in the past have focused on a range of cutting-edge topics, including Online Extremism and Terrorism Researchers’ Security, Safety, and Resilience: Findings from the Field and Unleashing the Potential of Short-Form Video.



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